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What is Oracle APEX and Why You Should Use It?

What is Oracle Apex? Oracle Application Express or Oracle Apex is a low-code, rapid app development platform. It allows developers to create web-based applications easily and quickly. It is a completely supported web-based tool that is included with Oracle databases. Moreover, it is accessible via any web browser. In this blog, we will give an overview of what is Oracle Apex. We will also talk about what is the use of Oracle Apex and why using it is important for app development. Also, we will discuss what are the advantages of use Oracle Apex.

Advantages of Oracle Apex

Let us move on to ‘what are the advantages of use Oracle Apex’. The goal of Oracle Apex is to encourage developers to easily develop compelling apps with superior performance, end-user experience, and functionality. In order to fulfill this mission, Oracle Apex focuses on eliminating the huge complications of deploying and developing enterprise apps. Here are some advantages of Oracle Apex that make sense for your next development project. These points will also clear your concern for “Is Apex hosting good?”.

Eliminating Complexity

Low-code app development with Oracle Apex is much more than just decreasing the amount of code required to develop incredible applications. Oracle Apex is distinctive in that it removes complexity at all layers.

  • It removes the mapping between relational and application objects
  • It removes remote procedure call complication
  • It eliminates the proliferation of database connections
  • It eliminates the complexity of disaster recovery and high availability
  • It eliminates middle-tier app logic

Although these complications are usually common when developing apps with other platforms, Oracle Apex removes the need for this altogether. To put it in simple words, there is no other platform like it.

Faster and Simpler Development

Oracle Apex is data-driven, and development often begins with a data model or spreadsheet. Apps are created in a low-code browser-based environment where around 98% of hand coding can be reduced. Oracle Apex functions directly against data in database tables.
Many middle-tier applications must define an app data structure to hold, interact, convert, and maintain the data flow between the application and the database. This is a widely underestimated source of complication that Oracle Apex fully eliminates. Moreover, Apex eliminates the complexity and need for remote APIs in a huge majority of use cases. It is not structured as distributed components and remote calls to the database are removed.

Lower Cost and Lightweight

Having an app run in the database looks expensive and heavyweight. However, counterintuitively, it is lower-cost and lighter-weight. In comparison with middle-tier apps, running apps on Oracle Apex requires far fewer resources. Often, middle-tiers deploy three containers per microservice to gain High availability. Each container requires considerable computing and memory. These apps typically make dozens to hundreds of calls to retrieve data in the database to present a single screen. These SQL calls from the middle tier to the database are often 10 times slower than when functioning directly within the database.

Easy Deployment

With Oracle Apex, deploying both the data and the app in the database is dramatically easier than with a middle-tier app.

  • It eliminates complications of middle tiers. Everything is present in the database. There is no need to plan, develop, or manage complicated middle tiers.
  • There is no state found in the middle tier, and failover automatically occurs within the database.
  • With Oracle Autonomous Database, there will be no need for DevOps or DBA to manage your database.

These were some of the many benefits of using Oracle Apex hosting services. Read on to know more. Let us tell you what are the two main benefits of Oracle Apex. Among these, lower cost lightweight, and easy deployment are the two main ones.

What is ORDS in Oracle Apex?

What is ords in Oracle Apex? Oracle REST Data Services or ORDS is an alternative for Java EE for Oracle mod_plsql and HTTP Server (OHS). The Java EE implementation provides increased functionality. These may include enhanced security, command line-based configuration, RESTful Web Services, and file caching. Oracle REST Data Services also offers improved flexibility by supporting deployment utilizing Oracle WebLogic Server, Apache Tomcat, Oracle Glassfish Server, and a standalone mode.

What is Breadcrumb in Oracle Apex?

What is breadcrumb in Oracle Apex? A breadcrumb offers navigational context to end users and provides an easy navigation path back to the app’s home page. The consumer can click a specific breadcrumb link to immediately view the target page. There are special locations in breadcrumbs within the Universal Theme for specific placement and should commonly be utilized with the Title Bar region template.

What is Dynamic Action in Oracle Apex?

What is dynamic action in Oracle Apex? Dynamic actions allow developers to define complicated client-side behavior declaratively without requiring JavaScript. Dynamic actions offer a way to define complicated client-side behavior declaratively with no need for JavaScript. You can specify which elements are influenced by the action and when and how they are influenced.

Key Features of Oracle Apex

Now after knowing what is Oracle application express, you must be thinking what is oracle used for. Here are the key features of Oracle Apex that explain what is Oracle software used for.

Low-Code Development

Apex simplifies app development by reducing the need for manual coding. Developers can rapidly prototype, deploy, and iterate apps using pre-built templates and intuitive tools.

Integration with Oracle Database

Since Apex is tightly integrated with Oracle Database, it eases efficient data management. Moreover, it allows real-time app updates on the basis of database changes.

Customizable Themes

Developers can customize the feel and look of their apps using personalized themes. It ensures a consistent user experience lined up with corporate branding.

Rapid Deployment and Development

Apex, with its low-code approach, enhances the development lifecycle. It allows businesses to launch apps faster and respond smoothly to market needs.


Apex apps are inherently scalable, having the capability to support growing user bases. It also manages large volumes of data with no compromising performance.


As Apex is included with Oracle Database licenses, businesses can develop and deploy apps without extra costs. At the same time, it maximizes their return on investment (ROI).


Wondering, “Is Apex hosting safe?”. Apex focuses on security with solid features like data encryption, authentication, and secure communications. It ensures compliance with industry standards and safeguards sensitive data.


What is the purpose of Oracle APEX?

Oracle Apex lets you build secure, scalable mobile and web apps. These applications include world-class features that you can deploy anywhere on-premises or on the cloud.

What does APEX mean in Oracle?

Oracle Apex is a low-code app development platform. It allows developers to instantly build mission-critical, feature-rich apps that are easily maintained.

Which language is used in Oracle APEX?

The main language behind Oracle Apex is PL/SQL. However, you can improve web apps with custom CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.


Hopefully, now you understand what is Apex Oracle and what is Oracle Apex used for. Apex was developed as a solution for back-end developers. It was fine with PL/SAL but required front-end experience. If you have just begun familiarizing yourself with the concept of Oracle Apex what is it, you have a long and fascinating road ahead. You will learn various skills that will make you a good and appreciated developer. However, you can also hire a professional Oracle Apex shared hosting or Oracle Apex dedicated hosting service. It will help you to get expert assistance with your app and the best services.

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